The ATTF offers high quality, relevant vocational training, primarily in financial services, to selected partner countries of the Luxembourg Government. The ATTF’s training activities target private sector employees of the commercial banks, however other participants may be eligible (e.g. central banks, regulators, … ) subject to certain defined limits. The ATTF training resources are made available in the following forms:
Country specific activities
Country specific seminars & workshops, delivered either online or physically in partner countries.
The primary objective of the ATTF is to transfer financial knowledge to its partner countries and this is done mainly through short term seminars (STS). STS courses are selected by individual countries, according to their priorities and needs and are delivered either online or in situ. STS courses are run for groups of participants from just one country, meaning that the information delivered in the course may be contextualised (e.g. through the discussion and examples) towards the specifics of that particular country.
Whilst many course are regularly delivered online, ATTF courses may also be delivered in situ. In these cases, our experts travel to partner countries to deliver their courses and to interact directly with the participants. By doing so, they are able to see for themselves how a country is organised and sense the country’s priorities and concerns. Understanding local context, can provides valuable additional insight as to how the theory may be put into practice and helps our experts to understand which information or experience to share, something that is of particular importance for our more applied courses.
In specific instances, the impact of an intervention can be significantly increased by the expert going slightly further, outside the regular classroom. This assistance may take the form of specific preparation off-site (e.g. before a seminar), additional days on-site (in combination with seminars), site visits, assessments or other specific assistance requests. This facility provides an additional tool for increasing the effectiveness of our classroom training and it is not consultancy. The role of our experts in these interventions is typically to bridge a specific gap between classroom learning and the real world, share external best practice or to act as a catalyst. It is required that our partner countries are fully involved in any request for “expert assistance”, that the ATTF agrees to undertake and that partners take responsibility for the successful delivery of the defined objectives.
Coaching is used in selected ATTF training programmes, such as its Risk Excellence in Microfinance Programme, to increase the overall effectiveness of the training, foster greater ownership, assist change and / or raise the competence and autonomy of the “coachees” receiving the assistance. Coaching may have varied durations depending on its objectives and typically targets senior management and the application of more complex techniques or concepts.
Multinational Seminars/Workshops
Multinational seminars are “premium programmes” regularly involving multiple experts, industry associations or certifying exams. Whilst these continue to benefit from the financial support of the Luxembourg government, a contribution fee is required for participants to attend. Owing to their cost and nature, these courses cannot be organised for individual countries.
Candidates for multinational courses go through a selection process led by House of Training experts.
Multinational programmes can be delivered in Luxembourg or online.
ATTF Multinational Seminars in Luxembourg
Through this part of our offer, we make it possible for professionals from ATTF partner countries to come to Luxembourg to learn and experience its culture.
Some programmes also include visits to local institutions and meetings with high level professionals of the Luxembourg Financial Center.
This is also a unique opportunity to network and exchange best practices with the participants coming from other ATTF partner countries.
ATTF Multinational Seminars online
Some of our multinational seminars (mainly certifications) are delivered online making them accessible to a wider pool of participants because there is no travel involved. It is a way of benefitting from the expertise of multiple experts from the comfort of one's own office.
More about the ATTF activities.