If you are interested in one of our courses, please contact the ATTF partner in your country. They will be able to provide you with the registration process for your country and confirm your eligibility for selection.
All applicants are requested to review if the course content is relevant to their needs. See the course descriptions here.
To train for ATTF, in addition to the knowledge of your field, you must share our values and believe in our mission. ATTF does not only share knowledge, it does development work.
When you train for ATTF you represent Luxembourg in our partner countries. You will be in front of professionals who live in a different culture and might have different beliefs and behaviours. You must be prepared to go out of your comfort zone and be open to other ways of thinking. We are always happy to welcome motivated, Luxembourg based professionals, experts in their areas, willing to share their knowledge and contribute to the development of partner countries. If this mission interests you, do not hesitate to send us your CV and motivation letter to