Our multinational programmes are not only a chance to get up-to-date information from experts of the Luxembourg Financial Centre, but also to share experience with professionals from around the world!
Here are our next programmes, on which interested candidates can get more information from our partner in their country.
Ethics in Finance
15 & 16/05/2032 | Online | Free of charge | Deadline : 11/04/2023
The financial crisis and countless corporate scandals have shed light on the significant financial, social, and environmental costs of unethical and illegal behaviour. Why then does such misbehaviour still happen at the frequency we see and what can organisations do about it?
GDPR - Data Protection Officer
06-08/06/2023 | Online | New | Free of charge | Deadline: 10/05/2023
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) training course offers attendees the opportunity to obtain relevant foundational knowledge and the basic skills needed to fulfil the role of DPO in the context of a firm’s GDPR compliance plan.
This course can support entities manage privacy risks efficiently and effectively and comply with key data protection obligations.
Capital Markets and Financial Instruments Certificate (CAMFIN)
12-29/06/2032 | Online | Deadline : 17/04/2023
The financial crisis and countless corporate scandals have shed light on the significant financial, social, and environmental costs of unethical and illegal behaviour. Why then does such misbehaviour still happen at the frequency we see and what can organisations do about it?
Shaping the Future of Your Bank - Executive Programme: A Strategic Bank Management Review
12-16/06/2023 | Face-to-Face | Deadline: 17/04/2023
C-level executives, direct reports and board members must move beyond “business as usual” to lead with greater transparency, accountability, and efficiency.
We are, more than ever, in a period of transformational change. Many bankers have so many open issues that sleepless nights are part of their normal life. It is therefore crucial for all bank leaders to be properly equipped for this endeavour in unchartered waters. Our Executive Programme should help you to shape the future of your bank.
The renewed programme includes the most pertinent subjects of today’s decision makers: Digital Transformation and Sustainable Finance.
The programme is based on 6 key words: Humanity, Interaction, Transformation, Sustainability, Agility and Strategy.
Sustainable Finance Certification Programme
15 & 18/10-10/11/2032 | Online | Deadline: tbd
The financial crisis and countless corporate scandals have shed light on the significant financial, social, and environmental costs of unethical and illegal behaviour. Why then does such misbehaviour still happen at the frequency we see and what can organisations do about it?
Digitalisation in Banking - Driving the Digital Transformation of your Bank
13-17/11/2023 | Online | New | Deadline: tdb
Digital disruption is having an increasing impact throughout all industries and Banking faces challenges from all sides in these trying times. This seminar provides a solid introduction to digital and transformation frameworks from first principles, we approach digital from a number of different perspectives along theoretical and practical approaches. This training provides foundational knowledge that will enable delegates to gain firm knowledge of the challenges induced by this digital transformation and to assess digital strategies, allowing them to identify those organisations that are executing strategies that offer the highest probability of success. Alongside the discovery of the context and the rationale behind this revolution, we will study how Governments, Regulators and Banks are reacting.